Sunday, September 25, 2011

The pleasures of Oporto and port

Just returned from a trip to Oporto and the truly wonderful Duoro Valley to visit both port lodges and some beautiful vineyards owned by Taylors, one of the great names in port. And of course, there was lots of sampling and drinking terrific ports - as well as some very nice Portugese table wines - and some truly fine food and lovely hospitality. Our party stayed for two nights at the awesome Yeatman Hotel, a five-star 'wine hotel' built by Taylors overlooking the centre of Oporto, a World Heritage Site. Will try and post more on Portugal later - and will be writing about the trip for the Independent food and drink pages but for the moment, here is a pic of the glorious Quinta de Vargellas estate, one of the finest port producing vineyards. It was taken by Sue Glasgow, who organised a fabulous few days.
Today also sees the publication of my Wines for Autumn special in the Independent on Sunday, which is here .
I've taken the liberty of using the Independent on Sunday's image which accompanies my piece because it looks so beguiling. So often, the sheer sensual beauty of a wine bottle - the shape, the art of the labelling, which can vary from the lovely to the banal, and the colour of the wine are treats in themselves, even before you drink what's inside. Which, in each and every case here, is rather lovely.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

What to drink with....mushrooms

In the last few months, I've been doing an occasional Saturday column for the iPaper, the Independent's cheap and cheerful sister paper on matching seasonal foods with wine. It has been dogged with problems getting it online because, for reasons too complicated to explain here, material written exclusively for the i doesn't automatically go online unless I specifically request it. Then I was away when the last column was published and consequently - being so distracted by the sun and sea of Skopolos - that I forgot to get it organised. I will try and get that online soon. is the latest column, published today. Three excellent and very different wines, with the Co-op Chianti a particular bargain, if you get to your local branch before Tuesday. And I'm off tomorrow to search for some wild mushrooms, hoping that the bounty is as sensational as it was last year, when almost every woodland I visited was full of the most extraordinary fungi, both edible and poisonous.